Category: Projects

Reconstruction of Volumetric Reflectance using Spatio-Sequential Frequency Correlation Imaging

In this paper, we propose a novel pro-cam technique for reconstruction of the volumetric reflectance inside an object. The key concept is use of spatio-sequentially modulated illumination to extract only the required signal at a 3D point. We discovered an effect where a projector and camera pair with different focal lengths naturally produced a spatial frequency modulation. By combining this...

One-shot Hyperspectral Imaging using Faced Reflectors

Hyperspectral imaging is a useful technique for various computer vision tasks such as material recognition. However, such a technique usually requires an expensive and professional setup and is time-consuming because a conventional hyperspectral image consists of a large number of observations. In this paper, we propose a novel technique of one-shot hyperspectral imaging using faced reflectors on which color filters...

Enhanced Photometric Stereo with Multispectral Images

We introduce a technique based on multispectral images aimed at improving Lambertian photometric stereo. Many photometric stereo algorithms assume Lambertian reflectance, but deviations from this ideal produce errors in shape reconstruction. To alleviate this problem, we exploit the wavelength-dependence of material reflectance. Based on the observation that reflectance at certain wavelengths for a given object is more Lambertian than at...